Bo Diddley - "Bo Diddleyrama Grind Series Vol. I, Keep Your Big Mouth Shut! Thee Originator's Instros" (WAXCD 002)

The original idea belongs to Kogar's Jungle Juice (this blog's cool place to hang out - check my blog roll) and I've posted his version also in the very early days of the blog, but... was obviously something not right with me and this rar file. I decided then to expand the whole brilliant idea, include better sounding rips of the songs and make (along with my faithful partner in crime, Jean Philippe - without whom...) a proper CD jewel case artwork for you out there who want things be done in a more connoisseur way.
I've learned many Bo songs when I was younger by the cover performances of groups like the Tell Tale Hearts or the Crawdaddys at first and in continuance by monsters in the likes of The Pretty Things or the Downliners Sect and I knew till then that I must go find the originals. You can't go to "z" without knowing first all the previous letters of the alphabet, right ( I've learned it in reverse as you might guess...)? So, when I first downloaded Kogars version, I peeved by two things immediately...1st. the absence of many more brilliant tracks and 2nd. why the included songs were in a such a low bitrate? I mean, if the “rights owners” of these blasts are going to hunt you down, give 'em a good reason at least, ha-ha!
I started ripping the tracks, tag them with all the right info for the listeners, place them chronologically and add as many more songs a CD lets today. I still let out sadly some amazing tracks (the two instros from the Bo/Chuck Chess album are the first that come in my mind right this moment) but hey, there's nothing more you can do about it. I stole our series title (yes, hopefully there be more) from a dude I don't know his (nick) name, but I thank him anyway and I encourage him to contact me and get his credit if he ever land to the WTS planet of loon. This is PURE cut and shave chunka chunk Bo, speechless and mighty as ever! If you like what you're about to hear - you own to yourself to go get the records. Cheers! 
*No bootlegging on WTS - WAX CDs. This is ONLY for Soul Self Satisfaction and/or educational purposes. Share and dance freely!

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