King Coleman - "Do the Mashed Potatoes" & "Loo-key Doo-key" (Dade Records,1959-60)

I had some days off and i was away (for good) from civilization for about a week. I just came in and rushed to check my emails and see what happened all these days. Well, King Coleman's gone. The funkiest man that walk on earth died a few days ago. I know, he wasn't young but for sure gonna be missed at least by me. Along with (obviously) James Brown and Rufus Thomas, was the Mr. "do the dance now". Well known to the more umbrage of the R&B fans, King Coleman left a legacy that's impossible today to be surpassed on how to do the "shimmy" or the "boogaloo". His first recording was with James Brown's band (the famous flames?) and labeled under the Nat Kendrick & the Swans, moniker. The myth says that James and the gang wrote the tune but due to recording contracts issues, the band put it on vinyl and King Co jump in to replace Mr. Dynamite. If you put more attention to the tune, you can actually hear also James Brown doing the backing vocals. Anyway, I'm sure the net got already obituaries and stories 'bout him. As i said before, i don't like obituaries at all. I don't wanna put the "It's Dance Time" compilation by Norton. I can only say that it's worth every dime you gonna spend on this. The most comprehensive if not the only one on the market. But I'll do post my favorite two King Coleman tunes. The one that started all ("Do the Mashed Potatoes") and the one that makes me feel alive ("Loo-key Doo-key"). A last goodbye to the last of the dance floor action pioneers!

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