The Sound Explosion - "Hangover Baby" BW/ "Some Other Guy" (Pegasus,1993)

It was the early 90s and i was a full blown, acne faced and very much a common teenager of the era. Even though i had already on my record collection rock & roll and soul  jewels, i couldn't keep myself outside of the main trends. OK, i wasn't into crappy MTV stuff never, but i was chasing like maniac releases by Mudhoney, the Supergrass or the Happy Mondays for instance. I still like those bands. I still like Oasis giving you an example and I'm not ashamed of this. I have seen countless bands live, both, huge names and dudes that never make it outside of their neighborhood and i still rank the Oasis Greece gig as one of my faves. Anyway, as i told you i was on garage from that early age. From the little information a kid from the province then could catch, i was hooked on the Fuzztones and the Chesterfield Kings. When the 'tones finally arrived in Athens, i took the bus and came to my grandmother who lived here. I was anxious and overexcited for this and all i did til time came and pass through the Rodon club doors (if i remember right...), was to fantasize how this gig might be. The opening act was the Sound Explosion. A name not so well known. Loco guys and vintage dressed teens just a little older than me. "Not bad" I'm sure should have think but i was still there just to hear & see  Rudi Protrudi and Mad Mike Czekaj... Less an hour after Sound Exlposion's gang got onstage, i was totally blown away by their sound and attitude and all i wondered now was "how in the hell these Fuzztones would jump over this performance"? Of course they couldn't. It was the beginning of my never ending love for them! I was painting their logo on my school books (see pic further down) and i was preaching for them on my radio show. They were WYLD! I often refresh my memory with their singles and their one and only record on Music Maniac and I still remember fondly how their friends from the first lines of the crowd shouted their requests!
That's their first on Pegasus. A collector's item by now, exchanging hands on HIGH prices. Pity, cause every home should have this two-sider and all in general Sound Explosion singles. I mean never anyone think of a proper release with all the singles' sides of the Sound Explosion? I don't think so... I never asked John. I'm afraid of the answer i might get, so leave it as it is. But again, it's a FUCKIN' SHAME! That's the best 60s punk played by a band in the 90s! 

Hangover Baby! 

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