1 Year White Trash Soul!

I have never thought to start a blog. I was always a printed magazine kind of guy. I still am. Nothing's the same with something you can touch your hands on. There's no comparison. And that's why i'm posting here thoughts and music. Cause true fans never stays with something immaterial like mp3 or flac. They want the real thing, something to touch their hands on. Like vinyl records or even CDs. If you have the chance to touch a beautiful woman, you would stay just with her pictures? I don't think so. But it's a good an' easy way to share along with your thoughts, the "body" of it. You can talk about Link Wray, Little Richard or Chuck Berry and boom! here it is you can actually hear it and decide for yourself if this blogger writes bullshit or what he said fits with your personality! But sadly most record companies, even the small ones don't see it that way. Narrow minded people confounded to be out mached by their era.
Anyway, I'd like to thank you all for your support, even by stopping by here and leaving a comment or not. It's the same for me and i won't complain. I'm here to share my passion and not to see myself as a "cool blogger". You know, "i had yesterday" 500 hits, wow"! If 500 people visit this blog and just one agree with me or for better, discover something he didn't know previously, that's the greatest reward for me! I'm trying to answer to all comments. If i forgot sometime someone, sorry. I 'll try to fix it up next time.
Thanks again and keep the rocks rollin'!
See you in next post!
Yours trully

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