Hey, not a usual post this one. I'm away from home for a business trip but along with JP we're working (for a
long time as a matter of fact) on a two set WAX hit, so keep checking we're almost done... We're gonna thank our friend Steve properly when it's time, cause what you're gonna get, is some seriously rare and worth-checking shit! I mean SERIOUSLY!!

Did I just said 'WAX hit'? Look we're not going to stop for some greedy bastards out there on what we're doing, no way. I know you all know, how many love, passion and singularly time we are putting into these WAX projects... And we're doing it cause we like to share stuff that's not available elsewhere. Our intention is similarly to a 'manufactured' release, if not even better with accurate artwork and sound. JP have spent plenty of times hours and hours on sound correction matters. And you know, that's a tough thing cause: 1. We're not pros and 2. We're trying doing it without ruining it. 'Sound correction' for record companies nowadays means in many cases a totally different end result in comparison with what the band have recorded originally. And if you 're a regular White Trash Soul visitor, you know already that we are 100% '
Original Mix' guys and not '
Revisited'... So, at first was this Jap motherfucker who took our '
LAMF Cassette Mix' and without shame, sold it (still doing it...). Of-course he removed any WTS signature from it...This time this jerk wasn't able to remove any of our logos, but that didn't stopped him anyway... Thanks to our friend Rocka Rolla (take a look at our blog & roll section for the cool site under same name), we 've been informed that our Cramps Wax series (
My Daddy Drives a UFO Volumes 1 & 2) are sold on iOffer by a prick under 'kickingmozart' name. Since he's a visitor of our blog, I want to inform him about my smelly Cons too... They're not a pleasant situation on somebody's ass... So be careful stupid fuck and remove our stuff from your shitty page cause everything by WAX's created by fans and is shared for FREE by fans... There's something you don't get in the last phrase? It's not difficult to find who you are, you know...
When I get back any deleted WAX release will get the re-up treatment, that's a promise! And if you ever see elsewhere some prick to sell our goodies, please drop us a line. Help us keep rock & roll at least through here, a leech free situation...